Water, water, everywhere…or somewhere, anyway.
There are many warning signs of a water leak, from creeping water damage to unexpected changes in your water bill. Finding the source of the leak can be tricky, however, when the signs aren’t obvious.
Don’t panic. Here are six effective ways to find a water leak.
1. Look For Water Damage
The easiest leaks to spot are those that cause direct water damage. You can spot water damage by its distinctive look and feel: patches of discoloration that are often damp to the touch.
If you have signs of direct damage, then you know the rough location of the leak. However, this is also a sign that the leak could become expensive, so get it fixed as soon as possible.
2. And Secondary Symptoms, Too
Water leaks bring a lot of secondary problems with them aside from immediate water damage. These can be another telltale marker of a water leak.
Look for signs of new mold growth and the growth of other moisture-loving organisms like mildew and even mushrooms. These can bloom when you have a slow leak that keeps an area persistently damp.
3. Listen!
The sound of dripping water is enough to scare any homeowner, but this warning sign is easily drowned out by other noises. Consider making your house as quiet as it can be by turning off electrical devices to reduce background noise.
Listen in the suspected area of the leak for telltale water sounds like dripping and hissing. If a leak has been ongoing for a while, you may even hear the splish and splash of water dripping into an existing puddle.
4. Use Food Dye
Toilets are one of the leakiest areas of the home. Modern dual-flush toilets, in particular, have a habit of leaking into the bowl—essentially keeping the flush somewhat engaged at all times.
It can be hard to notice this tiny trickle, so dropping some food coloring into the cistern can help. This will tint the water and make any water running down into the bowl more visible.
5. Head Outside
A water leak outside can be tricky to spot, thanks to difficult-to-reach areas or a damp climate hiding signs of a leak. If you think you have a water leak but can’t find its source indoors, don’t forget to check outside.
You can often spot external leaks water stains on outside walls or puddles on the ground.
6. Call An Expert
Leaks can be notoriously hard to locate and sometimes even harder to access without specialist equipment. In other words, there’s no shame in turning to the professionals if you can’t locate a leak yourself.
Catching a leak early will save you money in the long-term, so you can think of calling a plumber as simply redirecting that money before it goes to waste.
Finding a Water Leak the Easy Way
With these simple tips, you can locate your water leak the easy way. The sooner you find that leak, the more money you’ll save—and you might even prevent damage to your home.
Still need help? Check out our services and fix your leak today.